Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Destiny...A Long Way To Go

“I don't know what your destiny will be, but one thing I know: the only ones among you who will be really happy are those who have sought and found how to serve”

These are the words of a Nobel Peace Prize recipient Mr. Albert Schweitzer. For me this is a prodigious statement, reason is that such quotes are so much bewildering. These are voluminous words but then these have trivial meaning in our practical world. Also another reason is that there would always be another quotation by another eminent personality which would be consummately contradictory to the 1st one. Hence that confusion deepens.

Anyways when I first read the quote I thought as to how we can seek destiny when we actually don’t know what it is. Destiny is when you have no control over life situations. That means that we cannot be certain as to what is our destiny. It is human psychology which prompts us to assume certain events or happenings to be our destiny. Hence it our mind’s conjecture and not the fact. Therefore till the time I am not assertive about my destiny how would I be able to progress towards its attainment. Recently I read that accordingly to The Science of Spirituality, in the present times 65% of our lives are ruled by destiny and 35% by willful action. Hence one point is emphatically proved that 65% of our life we have no control over our life. The learned men have given certain ways for the attainment of Destiny. One such way is by copious increase of usage of the willful actions (35%) The more we use the willful actions the less we will get dependent over destiny and therefore more chances of attaining it. Another solution provided is the “Path of Karma.” Karma is a Sanskrit word that means "action." According to Karmic Law one should perform his actions diligently without thinking of the rewards. As Lord Krishna said in the Bhagavad Gita: "To the man thinking about the objects (of the senses) arises attachment towards them; from attachment, arises longing; and from longing arises anger. From anger comes delusion; and from delusion loss of memory; from loss of memory, the ruin of discrimination; and on the ruin of discrimination, he perishes". I indubitably agree to this statement but I also have certain apprehensions regarding the same. I mean this is 21st Century and nowadays everyone is more concerned about the rewards and want the maximum returns for minimum efforts. Whenever he does not get the anticipated rewards he migrates from that course and moves towards another. The hunger for maximum rewards leads the person to change the routes more frequently and hence the result is that he is still halted at the crossroad of life. Even after so long he is not sure as to what his destiny is and how should now he proceeds to achieve it. Hence in today’s time all the philosophies have gone for a toss.

Another reason why people have overdependence over Destiny is because of Convenience Factor. The Convenience factor is a very easy method in which the blame for failure can easily be put on Destiny rather than on own negligence, lack of effort or even confusion. Though there are many such instances but let me give you all 1 such instance. Prajwal and Swati were in love for the last 4 years and it seemed that one fine day they would surely get married. But alas that was not to happen and eventually such a bond broke due to some illogical reasons. After some tears both of them move ahead with their lives. The reason given for such a misfortune is that probably God has the best for store for them or that Destiny had some other plans for either of them.

I may sound harsh here but what I feel is that the Convenience Factor surfaces here. It is convenient for Prajwal or Swati to put the blame on destiny or on God. If the “Willful Action” were thoroughly and perfectly channelized towards the achievement of the heart’s desire then surely the result would have been different. The goals would have been achieved then as actions and rewards would go hand in hand and hence the feeling of attainment of destiny.

It seems so simple but the problem surges abreast when the percentage of dependence on Destiny augments from 65% and begins to march towards the century mark. This is the time when the mind and the heart start working totally in the conflicting directions and have not even an iota of relation or similarity amongst each other. When such a situation occurs then the person has no clue as to which direction should he move towards. The confusion grows and grows and the poor helpless person gets glued at that very place and waits for the Destiny to come to him which is not possible at all. His willful actions diminish and his faith and dependence on destiny increases manifold.

What I feel is that until and unless one tries, he would not achieve anything. If one keeps on trying and trying maybe couple of times he may not succeed but eventually success would kiss their feet and then he would know that success is counted sweetest after facing defeat. This is what Emily Dickenson said in her poem and I agree to each word. If the person stays glued at his spot and waits for Destiny to come towards him then he is bound to find himself at the same spot after many years too. If he tries and at least fail then at least he would know the various paths he should not wander upon to reach his Destiny. People have a tendency of associating failure with a wrong choice of the path to Destiny. No that is not always so, maybe the path chosen by you is right but the willful actions may be a little wrong. Failures are just a way of making you realize that “listen dude” you need to make certain changes in your “willful actions”. They should not be taken so much adversely and on the contrary should motivate one to give his best towards the ultimate goal of life.

Now can we know what our destiny is? Can anyone know what he or she is destined to do in life? If anyone can have a faint idea as to what it is then it would be much facile and the efforts could be channelized in a particular direction. Now a person can have a slight idea of his destiny if he carefully listens to the person inside him. That person resides in our inner conscience. Everyone has that person beneath their soul, that person guides you when `you are in any dilemma or confusion but we all tend to ignore that person’s opinion. Once we start paying attention to what this guy inhibiting in our inner conscience says then we would surely find the right “willful actions” required to reach our Destination. That person would guide us to the Do’s and Don’ts for attainment of the Destiny. Also what we have to do is to pay heed to what both our heart and our mind say. Accepting the ideas of either one of them would be a biased act and hence not the right decision. For that right decision we need to have the right mix of the heart and the mind for any deed we have to perform. Whenever the mind and the heart work in tandem they would act as the torch bearers who would enlighten your path towards destiny. And mind you this would be the same road that takes you to the road of success and eventually to your Destiny.


  1. good going dude!!!... nice answer to ur critics hu think u can only ryte on relationships... the article i guess can be rated on the same level as an article in mind over matter in TOI...good job!!

  2. @ aman.. thanks mate.. i really appreciate the words and hope I do justice to ur expectations each time. thanks again

  3. hey dude nicely written and well researched article , but one thing which i would have love to see is an end without the words like "right mix of......" as that does not give any new dimension to a debatable topic like this, research part anyone can do bt only a creative mind comes out with a whole new point of view which decides the course of future researches.

  4. Hey Sumesh..very nicely written..infact I feel that we as humans dont use the gift we have..."our brains" so much..dnt put in much effort and leave everything on destiny and then when obviously things dont go our way..we blame the destiny. You explained it right with the Prajwal and Swati's example..this thing is applicable to simplest of things..for say..u mess it up before something very crucial...n u have a voice in ur head on snooze..sayin...dude this is not ryt..n u simply ignore it and then cry over the consequences! I believe one shud not give up til d moment he/she becomes helpless..d voice inside always tells u if drz still a possibility, a tiniest chance 2 improve things n work it out. Destiny is when you just cant do anything...but am sure human brains can always come up with ways..so destiny shud b d last option.

  5. Hi sumesh....gud one but as i kept reading it..it reminded me of chetan bhagat....just beacuse of the simple language and captivating nature of his write ups.I heard someone say that great writers differ in that they keep it very simple in their language and narration that even a layman can understand.It is easy for you and me to comprehend what u wrote.Secondly as a reader I would be more interested in a fresh view of the author rather than the people who are part of it.I hope I am not too critical about this. I am being honest about the things which i felt while going thru it with a view to help you to pursue career as a writer.All in all you certainly got a package to do it.

  6. well buddyy!!!! it was a nice thought to work on apart from relationships as wat i think is destiny is a better way to curse god for the deals that do not go the way as human minds thinks off....Destiny is just the fate written by god for everyone in this world...But in ur post u had mentioned that by increase in efforts (35%) one could reach destiny one day....
    But i really appreciate ur view as hard work pays u one day its not wasted anyhow..But Destiny and Hard work/Wilful actions are like two sides of the same coin.A person gets what god has decided for him in his life(One could not overrule gods views) There would always be clash in views regarding Destiny Vs Wilfull Actions . As there are variety of humans and no one thinks in one directions So there are different dialects for every person..ITs enough ..
    So in would conclude by saying that writer had taken both sides alltogther and in different manner too...Destiny Vs Wilfull Actions [WAR NEVER ENDS.....]

  7. As always nice usage of words loved it.Personally, i believe in destiny but i dont depend over it. It might sound confusing ..lol. Well I do whtever i can do to achieve my goal as i think i knw my best caliber if inspite of putting my cent percent efforts if i fail then i think that think was nt meant to be. But i dont blam destiny for it i rather say my Karma wasnt rite for that sortta work.Life is 90 percent wht u do in teh direction of ur goal and 10 percent destny i think. Hardwork can overcome the destiny amny times but sometime destiny plays the trump card.... ;). So karam kiye jao aur Phal ki iccha na karo manav.. yahi Geeta sar hai... :)

  8. @ dev...thanks for the comments dude. my motive wasnt to do research mate just to bring out my thoughts as how we camouflage our weakness with destiny wardrobe..I would try to be more analytical next time mate.. thanks again

    @neha.. Thanks GJ...actually u completely understood the psyche with which I intended to write the post.And hence I agree word to word to what uve written.the snooze button is present in every1.Thanks GJ for the comments, would motivate me to continue writing...

  9. @ravikant...Thanks mate... yaar u know me well and u know that i would benefit from your comments and would try my best to fulfil ur expectations in d next post.. I appreciate ur honesty and thats what good friends provide. thanks mate.

    @ manmeet...Thanks mate..ur comments are priceless and i really cherish dem.I really fully agree to the part that each person is different to another and hence their belief also changes. I aint that religious kinda guy so the GOd's view isnt something I agree to but then majority of people do agree to that. Thanks again mate.. need ur opinion each and every time. ure my man

  10. @suchi... Thanks for ur comemnts yaar.and ya i sincerly agree to ur comments but yaar me toh wonders about the reward before putting the efforts.Its nice of u dat u dont blame destiny yaar and I hope every1 learns that .. Thanks again

  11. hmmm! Nice insight. Agree to the fact that there never is a wrong time to do the right thing. My personal belief is: Its always right to do, because irrespective of the result you'll eventually know the right way of doing it. No such thing as destiny, "karm kar fal ki iccha na kar." Realizing the set goal is DESTINY.
    Cool keep it up.

  12. Hey ted, very well written...I agree with Aman...this is quite a nice answer to people who thought that you could write only about relationships. Great going buddy! I really do think and have experienced that if one puts his best efforts to achieve something, one surely gets it done. You just have to put in the right energy in doing something and think positive, there's no way you can loose. But ya, if your energy dies down in the middle and you leave it incomplete and then blame in on your "destiny", that's absolutely not the right think to do. One should only leave things in life to destiny only and only when one is completely helpless and has left no stone unturned in making efforts.

    Great work, looking forward to more:-) Encore!

  13. hey its really a good piece of work...well it often happens that we leave things on time and wait for our destiny to take decisions for us.... forgetting about the power of our hard work...but some where i differ also... as in waiting toooo long for the hard work to pay will be worthless if it doesnt pay u in time...
    anyways a well composed article and nice n simple style of writing....
    goooooooood one!!!!!!!!

  14. @ rohin... thanks mate.. ya i agree to ur statements. thanks mate.

    @nibha...thanks walnut.. thats rite i agree to each statement of urs yaar.really hope that i follow the things i write myself too.

    @shruti..ya that scenerio also surfaces some times and then we are helpless and unaware as to what should be our next step. thanks for the compliments and hope that u like my next blog post too

  15. its too long.......i lost interest half way.....:P

  16. This piece of writing of yours was well grounded.True to every word and believable. Loved reading it and was nodding nearly at every sentence.Do write more and please try new genre for writing.It would really be very interesting to read diffrent themes and would bring out the "versatile factor"you possess.

  17. @ Shikha.. thanks lady..it was nice to hear some inspiring word. thanks again
